Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wednesday, August 31, 1927

Wednesday, August 31, 1927
Fair – warm

Gilbert went to work about 10:30. After that Mama came. I didn’t look wise and said nothing this time when she began on Papa. I feel I must try to make her let up on him even if she gets mad at me. Papa can’t stand much more.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tuesday, August 30, 1927

Tuesday, August 30, 1927
Hazy – warmer

A lovely fall like day – but poison for Gilbert. He stayed home all day and finally had to use his asthmador. The Fugates medicine seemed to control his hay fever for a couple of weeks but he’s got it now.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Monday, August 29, 1927

Monday, August 29, 1927

Washed, but had a sick headache afterwards – nerves. Dick went to Grandmother’s to stay all night. He and Albert are anxious to go for their eats, then too, I think they enjoy the quiet for a change, for a little while.

(Enjoyed the quiet? Were these early clues to what Dick and Albert would become? College professors in philosopy (Dick) and theology (Albert).)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sunday, August 28, 1927

Sunday, August 28, 1927
Cool, cloudy

Gilbert almost has hay fever but not bad – just enough to be annoyed. I’m nearly crazy about Papa and Mama’s affairs – I can’t sleep at night lately. Surely I can stop them some way. I must!!

(Aunt Marjorie wrote, "Mother never told us, as far as I know, what the quarrel was about. Grandpa never stopped his "business" of being a woman's doctor and he didn't commit suicide.)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Saturday, August 27, 1927

Saturday, August 27, 1927

Had to take Marjorie and get shoes. Papa wanted me to come up and sign his bank deposit slips so as to get his funeral money and Mama wanted me to meet her to pick her a hat and I was so afraid she would get wise to my business with Papa.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Friday, August 26, 1927

Friday, August 26, 1927

Mama came over to get Albert who wants to stay all night with her. She has nagged Papa till he is preparing to end his business – I’m afraid of suicide. Can’t say a word.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Thursday, August 25, 1927

Thursday, August 25, 1927

Mama wanted me to come over as the boys were going to cut the grass. She said it would be about my last chance – I hope so. I went but she spends so much time running down Papa that I don’t enjoy her company.

(Aunt Marjorie wrote, "As I was growing up, Grandmother always gave me the impression that Grandpa was perfect!)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Wednesday, August 24, 1927

Wednesday, August 24, 1927
Fair but cold

Went to Mrs. Smith’s party for Mrs. Hunter and had lots of fun. Don’t know when I laughed so much. Mrs. Doll is a clown and kept everyone near in a roar all the time.

(Aunt Marjorie wrote, "What I remember about Mrs. Doll ws that her young son was accidently shot (fatally) when another boy was 'looking' at a gun. They lived on E. New York St. and Mother took me with her to their home. Those days the funerals were mostly at home.)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Tuesday, August 23, 1927

Tuesday, August 23, 1927

Went to the dentist to have the impression made of my teeth for a partial plate in the upper jaw. Had to bring Albert to get him shoes so didn’t get to bum around like I wanted.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Monday, August 22, 1927

Monday, August 22, 1927

Washed and finished putting up peaches that I got last week. Felt awfully bum. Gilbert went to the library. He is taking the rest of his vacation now.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sunday, August 21, 1927

Sunday, August 21, 1927

Went to Sunday school. All but Gilbert. Spent the afternoon reading, till my eyes got tired. Nobody comes to see us. Wish we had a machine.

(Grandma calls cars "machines"...)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Saturday, August 20, 1927

Saturday, August 20, 1927

Got a letter from Bess yesterday and we’ve been wondering ever since if she is crazy or we are blind. She tells such awful things on Nell, Mike and Bob but things didn’t seem bad when were there.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Friday, August 19, 1927

Friday, August 19, 1927
Rain – cold

Mama and Bob and Don spent the day with us. The boys play so nice together and have a good time. Every one loves Marjorie who tries to say what they do. Hope she always wins friends so easy.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Thursday, August 18, 1927

Thursday, August 18, 1927
Rain, cool

Put up some peaches. About half a bushel – the rest of the basket as hard as bullets. Kids – a proposition on bad days – they get out and in the mud and nothing will dry.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Wedneday, August 17, 1927

Wednesday, August 17, 1927
Cloudy & cool

D and D went to the news boys picnic at Broad Ripple. Rain early but not after they left. They wore their sweaters and had a good time - a couple of nice looking boys and they know how to take care of themselves. Gilbert took a vacation.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tuesday, August 16, 1927

Tuesday, August 16, 1927
Fair, cool

Dick and Dale went to cut the grass for Papa. Of course they stayed for dinner and came home telling what all they had to eat. A person would think we never had anything good at home. They act starved when they go anywhere. But Dale gets filled up quick – can’t hold much.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Monday, August 15, 1927

Monday, August 15, 1927
Fair – cool

Wash and iron. Had to watch Dick on his route for Robert Whiteman has it in for him and might give him a black eye. So I watched to see if nothing happened to his papers. But nothing did. He’ll do it when were not expecting it. Dick’s no fighter.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sunday, August 14, 1927

Sunday, August 14, 1927

Only one rain coat in the family now so Dale was the only one who went to Sunday school. Papa came out to dinner as Mama is in Elwood. Comes home today. I read so much I got dumpy. Wish we could have company.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Saturday, August 13, 1927

Saturday, August 13, 1927

Had a big day, but got my work all done in good shape. Luckily I felt better than yesterday. Dale and Dick went to town and got shoes. They go any where now so big! I would be out of babies if they were all bad.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Friday, August 12, 1927

Friday, August 12, 1927
Cloudy – rain

Washed and ironed some but didn’t get done. Felt awfully bum. My cold is worse and I’m afraid will get the best of me yet. A storm came up just as the boys had to leave for papers! I hate to see them go out in it.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Thursday, August 11, 1927

Thursday, August 11, 1927

Went to town this AM and bought lots of little odds and ends I’ve been wanting for so long. Didn’t spend much money either. Saw Winifred on the street. Heard she was out of town!

(Winifred was Grandma's niece.)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wednesday, August 10, 1927

Wednesday, August 10, 1927

Funny August weather. Too cool to sit in the house so spent the day on the porch embroidering on a little dress for Marjorie. It is a blue voile – sleeveless. If she can’t wear it out this summer, she can next.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Tuesday, August 9, 1927

Tuesday, August 9, 1927

We saw Lindy! All but Daddy. Dale and Dick went down town to see him and I took the other three and went out to Mama’s and we all walked down to 38th St. and saw him pass along going to the fairgrounds.

(Aunt Marjorie wrote, "Charles Lindberg was all the rage those days. When I was in my teens, I went downtown to see Corrigan after he mistakenly flew to Ireland, I think, instead of across the United States.")

Friday, August 08, 2008

Monday, August 8, 1927

Monday, August 8, 1927

Did my usual Monday stunt. Wash & iron. Since I make two jobs of it every week it doesn’t seem so hard on me as I have less ironing to do at a time.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Sunday, August 7, 1927

Sunday, August 7, 1927

Went to Sunday school and to the folks for fried chicken dinner.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Saturday, August 6, 1927

Saturday, August 6, 1927

Didn’t have much to do but straighten up house and clean up the family. Then we took Marjorie to her fist lawn fete over on Oxford St. She likes ice cream.

(Aunt Marjorie wrote that she still likes ice cream, the homemade kind like they had when she was little.)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Friday, August 5, 1927

Friday, August 5, 1927

Marianna and Robert Collins came over to play. No wonder they think my boys are humdingers, having to compare them with him all the time! He is so disagreeable, spoiled, and unprincipled!!

(The Collins family lived across the street.)

Monday, August 04, 2008

Thursday, August 4, 1927

Thursday, August 4, 1927

Ned is so cross these days and doesn’t eat much. Don’t know how we can build him up. I still have my cough but don’t expect to get rid of it very soon. Hope the baby doesn’t get it she is so fine now. Talks all the time, tries to say everything.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Wednesday, August 3, 1927

Wednesday, August 3, 1927

It seems as if I had less to do now than I ever did before. Time almost drags on my hands now! No baby to nurse or carry and so for the first time for so long all my strength is my own.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Tuesday, August 2, 1927

Tuesday, August 2, 1927

After ironing it was too cool in the house to sit down and mend, so I went out and pulled weeds. Mrs. Collins brought her lunch and kids over about noon and spent the rest of the day.

(The Collins family lived across the street.)

Friday, August 01, 2008

Monday, August 1, 1927

Monday, August 1, 1927

Washed but that’s all. Papa suggested that I might get better if I rested more. Miss Dunlea’s nieces visiting next door & Marjorie and Ned play with them till I hardly know I have a baby.