Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wednesday, November 30, 1927

Wednesday, November 30, 1927
Rain – colder snow

I ironed all day in the kitchen so as I wouldn’t see the mess the paper hanger made. He has to tear so much off. Ned and Marjorie have a big time watching him.

(Aunt Marjorie wrote, "I wondered if the man hanging the wallpaper was bothered by a couple of kids watching every move he made?")

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tuesday, November 29, 1927

Tuesday, November 29, 1927
Fair and warm

Roses, hollyhocks, clover, etc. have new little leaves. We have all the doors and windows open. The paper hanger came and nearly roasted with the furnace on. I finished my washing.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Monday, November 28, 1927

Monday, November 28, 1927
Windy, warm

Dandelions in bloom. I tore up and started to wash curtains etc. and my washing machine broke. Man came in PM and fixed it but my water was cold and I had started scrubbing rugs so I just finished that.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sunday, November 27, 1927

Sunday, November 27, 1927
Warm but cloudy

All went to Sunday school. Dale and I stayed to church. Gilbert and I intended to go in the evening but it looked like a storm brewing so we decided not to leave the children. Burs were at the folks and Dick and Albert went over there to play with Harry.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Saturday, November 26, 1927

Saturday, November 26, 1927
Spring like

Mr. Munsey came back to town in time to get his bid in on the wallpaper deal and I guess he will get the job for although he bid $7 more, he will tear off & size the dining room and his paper was much better than the other fellow’s.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Friday, November 25, 1927

Friday, November 25, 1927

Tried to sew but was bothered a lot. Wall paper hanger to bid on the job, etc. But I got a waist made for Dale and Albert needs one too before Sunday. I hope to get my papering done next week.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Thursday, November 24, 1927

Thursday, November 24, 1927

Thought I would sew after I got my other work done but I never got done till after supper – after the folks left. Mama and Papa came out fur supper early and left as soon as the dishes were washed. Then, we all went to the show “The Life of Riley”.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wednesday, November 23, 1927

Wednesday, November 23, 1927

Finished my ironing and did a lot of mending. Wish I didn’t have to get up a Thanksgiving dinner but the boys want it and although they are about out of waists and I ought to sew, we have to stop and feast on chicken.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tuesday, November 22, 1927

Tuesday, November 22, 1927
Spring like

Ironed some, then bathed myself and the babies and went to Missionary at Mrs. Fields. Had a nice time and the babies were good as usual. M. is such a cute youngster and so sweet and good.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Monday, November 21, 1927

Monday, November 21, 1927
Balmy, but cloudy

Got my washing done and dry enough to iron but too tired to iron much.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sunday, November 20, 1927

Sunday, November 20, 1927

The church was cold, broken grate, but had a big day. Thanksgiving services. Dale, Albert and I attended in the morning. Gilbert and I left the kids alone in the evening and went again. They served refreshments and had a little party after church.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Saturday, November 19, 1927

Saturday, November 19, 1927

It was a job to get everyone all fixed up clean, hair, etc. O.K. for our pictures. I dreaded it awfully but finally got through the ordeal and now have only to wait see the proofs.

(I need to look and see if we have these pictures.)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Friday, November 18, 1927

Friday, November 18, 1927
Fair and cold

How many days and hours do I put in mending! It is all I did today and didn’t get everything mended! Darn!

(Seems like pretty strong language for Grandma!)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Thursday, November 17, 1927

Thursday, November 17, 1927
Cold and cloudy

Mrs. Pegg took Mrs. Collins and me to Mrs. Oldhams. The babies and I had all to get a hair cut before we went so it made a full hurried day. Ned and Marjorie are so good when I take them places. I am always complimented on their behavior.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wednesday, November 16, 1927

Wednesday, November 16, 1927

Mama came over. I worked all day on that dress but don’t think I will finish it for the class party tomorrow. It is at Mrs. Oldham’s and I am to be one of the hostesses. Picked knots till 10:30. It was still to hem, etc.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tuesday, November 15, 1927

Tuesday, November 15, 1927

Ironed and worked on that dress. After I get the beads off it leaves a lot of tiny threads that are knotted in the goods. It is hard on the eyes and so is searching the dictionary for words after supper.

(Aunt Marjorie wrote, "Still looking forward in 'New York to Paris' I presume?"

Friday, November 14, 2008

Monday, November 14, 1927

Monday, November 14, 1927
Fair – warm

Washed and then started on a desperate drive to make over that black dress that I’ve been taking beads off of all fall. It’s a hard job. After supper helped Dale get a list of words included in “New York to Paris”. He is after a big prize. Hope he gets it.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sunday, November 13, 1927

Sunday, November, 13, 1927
Fair – warmer

The boys went to Sunday school. I went to church. Daddy stayed home and kept Marjorie. She coughed so bad last night. After dinner we sent the boys to the show and took Marjorie and went to see Anna’s new baby, Wilma Jean.

(Apparently they didn't think Marjorie was contagious!)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Saturday, November 12, 1927

Saturday, November 12, 1927
Cold, fair

Afraid my new coat is going to spot easy as I see signs of last night’s rain on the front of it and a dirty spot in the back.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Friday, November 11, 1927

Friday, November 11, 1927
Too hot.

Strong balmy breeze that blew our front door open, then shut with a bang that shattered the glass. I felt pretty blue about it. Took $5.25 to get it fixed. Didn’t feel like going to a show but G insisted that I see Ben Hur so I went and got caught in a hard rain and came home with a headache at 8:15.

(I think the glass in the door shattered several times.)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thursday, November 10, 1927

Thursday, November 10, 1927
Drizzly and warm

Bought a new blue winter coat and a pretty gold hat and a patent leather purse. The babies got awfully tired shopping and hot in the stores. They napped in the afternoon and felt better so we all went to the church for supper but it was too hot there.

(Sounds like Grandma now had some decent clothes to wear to church.)

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Wednesday, November 9, 1927

Wednesday, November 9, 1927
Dark and dreary

Put in the day mending when I wasn’t holding Marjorie who had a lot to cry about it seems. She is an awful cry baby for a 2 year old, but maybe I have spoiled her. I’ll have to settle her, she takes so much of my time.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Tuesday, November 8, 1927

Tuesday, November 8, 1927
Ironed till noon. Mama came over and I went down to the library to hunt that wagon. We had called the police but heard nothing of it. I found it next door to the library where the kid had dumped it later. The police had made no inquiry.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Monday, November 7, 1927

Monday, November 7, 1927

Not a very good wash day. Snowed this evening. Dick took Dale’s wagon and went to the library and some kid swiped the wagon. Daddy happened to be walking home just then and met Dick crying. They looked around but saw no trace of it.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Sunday, November 6, 1927

Sunday, November 6, 1927
Fair and cold

A fine fall day but I didn’t go to Sunday school in my shabby old coat and hat. We all went to Mama’s for dinner and Gilbert and the boys took a walk past Shortridge, Salem St. and home. Dale’s arm not broken but sprained I guess. It is done up in a splint though.

(Aunt Marjorie wrote, "Shortridge was Mother's high school, Salem St. is where he little house was that Mother and Daddy lived in when they were first married. Probably Grandpa but the splint on Dale's arm.)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Saturday, November 5, 1927

Saturday, November 5, 1927

Gilbert got home early enough to work out in the yard a little so we put out tulip and hyacinth bulbs. D & D went to the circle to see Ben Hur. Albert got into a scrap with the toughest of the neighbors and got red paint all over everything. Dale hurt his arm playing football.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Friday, November 4, 1927

Friday, November 4, 1927
Rain and cooler

Monday, November 03, 2008

Thursday, November 3, 1927

Thursday, November 3, 1927
Fair & cool

More mending and darning. Three boys went to C.E. after supper and I did a good evening work, making a night shirt for Gilbert. The babies played as usual but if I had read they would have been all over me.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Wednesday, November 2, 1927

Wednesday, November 2, 1927

Built a fire. Put away Halloween things, bed clothes, etc. Mama came over and we mended all afternoon.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Tuesday, November 1, 1927

Tuesday, November 1, 1927

The two little ones have awfully bad colds and Albert coughs some. Marjorie’s eyes are so read and puffy. Makes her look bad.