Monday, November 26, 2007

Friday, November 26, 1926

Friday, November 26, 1926

Made Albert and Ned each a pair of pants and Dale a waist and Albert one out of an old shirt of Harry’s. Albert and Dale went bright and early to do their Christmas shopping

(Two pairs of pants, two shirts (that what a 'waist' is) in one day! That's amazing.

I'm also surprised that the boys shopped so early for Christmas. I thought that was a more recent (last several decades) phenomenon, of people shopping so early. I thought in the 1920's they wouldn't think about Christmas shopping until well into December.)


  1. Maybe they went Christmas shopping now because they had been paid for their paper routes. I think it would be hard for boys of that age to keep secret what they had purchased.

  2. It looks like the first Macy's parade was held in 1924, as the start to the shopping season - maybe it was already common?

