Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Friday, March 4, 1927

Friday, March 4, 1927

Went down town for some thread that was on sale. Got Ned and Marjorie a hair cut at Ayres. Their first trip to the barber. Both were as still as mice, but I doubt if Ned would have been if she had not set the example.

(Aunt Marjorie wrote, "I remember my oldest son's first haircut. He didn't move but cried as though his hair had nerves."

I assume Grandma had cut Ned's hair before, since he was around three years old in 1927.)


  1. Did Grandma cut Ned's hair? He must have had really long hair if she was not cutting it.
    Kathy, the older sister

  2. Good question, Kathy. I was just sitting her thinking the same thing.
