Friday, March 28, 2008

Monday, March 28, 1927

Monday, March 28, 1927

Dick went out in back yard and watched the boys dig a cave. Spring vacation week they always become cave dwellers and carry in all the mud possible.

(Aunt Marjorie wrote, "I remember a cave right against the old garage, that ran underneath the wall (no concrete floor just a dirt floor) as the kids went down from the outside and came up on the inside. Also, the neighborhood boys and Mary Wells climbed a ladder and played on top of the garage frequently. Bill Moon, later head of the Music Department at Tech (High School) once fell off our garage and broke his arm.")

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember there being any builkings in Grandma's yard. Where would it be, the yard was so small. Was it more like what we would call a shed?
    Kathy, the older sister
