Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Saturday, June 4, 1927

Saturday, June 4, 1927
Fair & warm

Dick had the toothache last night so I took him down town to get him shoes and we went around to have Grandpa look at his mouth. He had him have the tooth pulled (which was abscessed) and Dick cried all over town so I sent him home and shopped alone.

(I wonder when Novacaine was available? I can only imagine what it would have been like to be a kid in the 1920's and have an infected tooth pulled. I think I would have been drying all over town, too!)


  1. I can't imagine sending a child who was in pain home alone from downtown. I can't imagine sending any child home alone. Times change.
    Kathy, the older sister

  2. I'm with Kathy. Send him home because of crying from an infected tooth? I'd be worried about him - infected teeth can be a serious thing!
