Saturday, January 26, 2008

Wednesday, January 26, 1927

Wednesday, January 26, 1927

Taking cold today – felt miserable. Cleaned bathroom and floors. Everything outside a glare of ice, no one out except those that have to be who wear ice creepers on their shoes.

(I'd like to see these "ice creepers" that they wore on their shoes. And I wonder if they put salts on the sidewalks and roads to melt the snow like we do today?)


  1. Ice creepers today would probably be the rubber shoe covers with metal studs on the soles. I have 2 pairs. One keeps slipping off, the other I've never been able to get on my shoes, so I go out only if there is a clear path to the car. Most business are good about salting their walkways, necessary in today's 'lawsuit crazy society'. I wonder if people sued much back in the 20's.

  2. I'm not sure of the time frame, but I remember elastic straps with sharp triangles of steel imbedded in one section... you slid the straps over your shoe like a rubberband with the metal on the outside under the sole.
    They were useful at colleges like University of Illinois/Champ-Urbana and Illinois State at Normal, which seemed to have ice storms when Chicago had snow.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose
