Marjorie seemed to sicken on the breast milk this AM so decided to cut it out pronto. Consequently, I spent the bigger part of the day with a crying baby. Was going to go to the Missionary society, taking Mama as this is guest day but Marjorie was so cross I decided it would be better not to go. It really is not much pleasure going a place like that and taking two babies. No one can keep them but Mama but if there is anyone going she always wants to go too! So I stay at home.
(It seems that most of the time, Grandma stayed home with kids, and didn't go very many places, with them or without them.)
iF Marjorie was sickened on breast milk, why was she so cross. I think my grandmother (Mama) was a little bit selfish, at least that has always been my impression of her. Of course, I don't remember my mother speaking up. Maybe Mama didn't know her help was needed?