Sunday, June 04, 2006

Thursday, June 4, 1925

Thursday, June 4, 1925

Baby so bad his temperature 103. Poor little soul doesn’t know his daddy or brothers. His feeble cry for “mama” all the time breaks my heart. Gilbert and Albert better. My mother is never on hand when I really need her. But she seems to think she helps me a lot to hear her talk. Dick bit by Kersey’s dog and G. attacked.

(I am not sure what "G. attacked" is all about.)

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like they were dealing with strep throat and since penicillin hadn't been discovered yet there would only be the hope that time would help the body fight it. We've had it go through our large family and even with antibiotics it kept reinfecting some of the children. I remember expecting my 5th child while the others kept passing around strep, and then my husband coming down with it the day before I delivered but with two doses of antibiotics he was feeling so much better. Can't imagine what it would have been like back in 1925 to deal with it for so long.
