Thursday, June 07, 2007

Monday, June 7, 1926

Monday, June 7, 1926
Fair and warmer

Still cleaning house. Dale and Dick carried their papers for the first time. But oh dear! Dale can hardly bear to take the time from his play. I guess it is just boy nature but Dale seems to get lazier every day. Has a fit if I want him to go to the store or do any little thing. He seems entirely good for nothing but what I have read makes me think that it is natural for boys to go through that stage, but just the same I hardly know how to handle him. The others aren’t quite so bad but resent doing all the errands.

(Aunt Marjorie wrote, "I simply can't imagine Dale ever having been lazy. Apparently he outgrew the lazy stage and the rest of his life he was very busy in his business, community, church, and from what I always heard, maintaining his home and gardening. I worried about one of my boys who seemed to be lazy and quite a dreamer, but apparently he woke up one day and is now a busy, successful business man. I was concerned about my children many years ago and asked Albert how to raise children. He smiled and simply said "just put your arms around them and lift up".

Albert, as has been noted before, became a Jesuit priest and had no children of his own.)


  1. I've enjoyed reading these entries. It seems all I blog about is cleaning and doing laundry these days as well!

  2. My son, who always seemed to have his head in a cloud as a child now owns his own successful business. Now I have a grandson who has the same problem, but I'm sure he will do well too. That seems to be the nature of a lot of small boys, moreso than girls. Maybe they are trying to figure out the secrets of the universe.

  3. Annabel... thanks for the comment. It seems that some things never change!
