Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Sunday, June 27, 1926

Sunday, June 27, 1926

All went to Sunday school.

(I think that nearly every Sunday Grandma went to church and/or Sunday School, unless she was sick or one of the kids was sick. We always had a picture of her in our living room that was of her in her Sunday best, standing in the foyer of the church. I would guess she was in her sixties in that picture, and I recall she had on a hat and was wearing white gloves.)


  1. I remember that picture....I wonder what happened to it? My favorite picture of Grandma was of all of us kids sitting on her lap and around her next to the Christmas Tree while she read "Twas the Night Before Christmas". Does anyone else in the family remember that picture?

  2. I don't remember either of thost 2 pictures but I remember the one where she was standing on the steps of the Arsenal building at Tech highschool, where she worked for years. She was the middleman between the delinquent, the school & welfare. (She knew all the bad guys). She wore a hat in that picture too. In fact I don't think she ever when anywhere without a hat. (I think she got used to wearing a hat when everyone wore hats.) Even I remember when you went downtown to shop you always wore your best outfit. If you didnt look your best you might get ignored by the sales staff. (yes, I have had that happen to me. It's a long story with satisfying results.)
