Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Saturday, February 28, 1925

Saturday, February 28, 1925

Well, I guess I have conquered coffee once again. I hope I never get into the habit again. Today I felt fine and didn’t have a headache. I can’t see where all the time goes on Saturdays, I always clean up the house and the beds and although Dale bathes himself now it seems an endless job bathing the others and if I do any baking or finish up sewing it is a nerve racking day.

(Where does the time go? It appears that Saturday was "bath day" for the Smith's. I can't imagine that they bathed every day as we do today. I wonder what was nerve racking for her? Just trying to get it all done, I suppose, much like today.)

Monday, February 27, 2006

Friday, February 27, 1925

Friday, February 27, 1925

Had a headache and felt bum all day. Gilbert went to N. Y. store to see the rugs and insisted that I go down and pick a couple out, so I did after the boys got home. They were almost sold out, but got a couple that just filled the bill. Can hardly wait to get them down. This one is so worn and the other so spotted and I can’t get it clean any more.

(This is the 1st reference Ruth makes to feeling "bum"; which is generally how she describes it when she doesn't feel well. I assume the rugs are for the front room and the dinning room, which made up half of the 1st floor of the house. The other part of the 1st floor included the kitchen and a bedroom with a bathroom connecting those two rooms. There was also a small pantry off the kitchen and from the dining room, one could go out to a small porch that led to the back door. It had a wooden screen door on it, which made a loud "slap" sound when you let it close on its own, like most wooden screen doors. I know her grandkids did that a lot, I assume her kids did the same.)

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Thursday, February 26, 1925

Thursday, February 26, 1925

I had grown to dislike coffee again and thought that made my stomach hurt so I concluded to stop it. Felt fine when I first got up but soon got a dull headache and so sleepy. Had some mending and sewing to do so at noon drank a cup of coffee, felt fine then till about four and then such headache! Was no good after that.

(More mending and sewing. Every day something to mend, sew, wash or iron! And, trying to kick the caffeine habit at the same time. How many people start the day off thinking "no caffeine" only to break down and go for it, still? Some things never change.)

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Wednesday, February 25, 1925

Wednesday, February 25, 1925

Didn’t have pep enough to do anything much till noon. My stomach hurt all morning but felt better after lunch so I lit into my ironing then and finished it. Ned has not had his bottle now for several days and seems to have forgotten it. However someone has to lie down with him till he goes to sleep. He will not be quiet alone – cries his eyes out.

(More ironing. "Finished" is relative only to this particular day, there will be more tomorrow. How many people iron clothes nearly every day, or even once a week anymore? I guess Ruth has a touch of morning sickness, and it is good that Ned no longer needs his bottle, since there is another baby on the way (though not for awhile)).

Friday, February 24, 2006

Tuesday, February 24, 1925

Tuesday, February 24, 1925

Mama came over so I didn’t get much done. Cut out the boys waists, ironed a little and mended while she talked. It seems I can’t make any headway at real work with someone talking to me all the time. It is a strain to hear any more and I can’t pay close enough attention while doing anything that takes thought.

(Remember, "waists" are shirts. There are several references to Ruth not being able to do much when her mother (Mama) comes by for a visit, even though she comes over to "help". I don't recall Ruth being hard of hearing later in life, so not sure why she has to strain to listen. After several diary entries, you get the idea that on most days there is something to do to keep the family clothed. Either washing, or ironing (seems like everything had to be ironed!) or mending... constant mending with 4 boys running around.)

(02/26/06 - Correction on the hearing. Eleanor, Ruth's youngest child, read this and called to tell me that Ruth did have trouble hearing with her right ear. She always tried to sit on the right side of the church to be sure she heard the sermon and when she talked to people she would try to be where they were mostly talking into her left ear.)

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Monday, February 23, 1925

Monday, February 23, 1925

Washed today, but that was about all. Felt tired and weak for all my good rest yesterday. Had to go to the store for Gilbert so got the boys waists to make. Ned is beginning to try to talk now. Called Albert today with me. Has called Dale for a long time. Says “all dirty” when his hands are soiled and wants them washed pronto. Real nasty nice about it.

("Waists" is what Ruth calls shirts. She made most of the clothes that the boys wore, along with shirts for Gilbert. She is struggling with fatigue, because she is pregnant at this time.

More insight into what the boys grew up to become... Ned was a professor of geology at Purdue University. In the summers, he led groups of students on field study out west. I'm sure he got his hands dirty then!)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Sunday, February 22, 1925

Sunday, February 22, 1925

The three boys and I went to Sunday school and Albert, Dick and I stayed for church. Had dinner ready to eat when I got home so got done my work rather early and read and napped all afternoon. Gilbert and the boys set out supper and I went to bed early so got a real restful Sunday. It rained all day and was real gloomy if one was in that mood which I wasn’t.

(The 3 boys refers to the oldest boys... Dale, Dick, and Albert. It does appear that Gilbert tries to help around the house some and Ruth finally got some rest. I've debated if it will enhance the story to provide information on how the boys ended up as adults. Dale was a businessman/accountant. Stay tuned for info on the others.)

Saturday, February 21, 1925

Saturday, February 21, 1925
Of course it had to rain so we didn’t get the yard cleaned. Still pretty tired today. I must be careful and not do too much any one day again so I can keep going. I just feel fine if I don’t overdo myself. Have no symptoms of pregnancy although have missed twice now except I feel rather weak and tired at times, but I do that often anyway.

(Rain, rain go away! Ruth seems to take more interest in the outside of appearance of the house and yard than Gilbert does. (I know that from reading ahead in the diary.) It's too bad she couldn't get the boys outside to help out on this day... remember they are all age 7 and under at this point... how much help could they be? Anyone, I don't know exactly how their yard looked in 1925. They had a small front yard that sloped down to the sidewalk, split in the middle with a front walk which lead up to the front porch. The side yards were not particularly wide, perhaps wide enough for two people to walk side by side without being in the neighbor's yard. On the shady north side, Ruth had a large patch of Lily of the Valley and some August Lilies (hostas). I'm not sure if there was anything on the other side, other than a sidewalk that led to the back yard. The back yard was fenced in (wire and wood fence, at least in the 70's. They had at the least a cherry tree, perhaps an apple tree.)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Friday, February 20, 1925

Friday, February 20, 1925

Too tired from my walking yesterday to do much today. A lovely spring like day and the yard needs cleaning but I am afraid to over do myself. Planned to get all the boys at it tomorrow. Been doing the daily reading recommended by the “Pocket University” and am getting much knowledge and pleasure out of it.

(I think the Pocket University was a series of books she subscribed to and received periodically. I think she considered it somewhat of a luxury item. She tried to find 10 minutes a day to read in the "pocket university" to try to keep her mind sharp. Ruth did attend at least one year of college at Butler University before she left to get married. One of my cousins commented that she was a very intelligent woman and if living in a different time, (as in now) she probably would have finished her college education and had more of a career. I'm not sure what she was studying in college before she left. )

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thursday, February 19, 1925

Thursday, February 19, 1925

Not so nice a day, but not bad either. The class met at Mrs. Arnholters’ and I took the little ones and walked. Then we had tickets to a show the Centinary Calendar club gave so I took Dale to that after supper. Dick was too sleepy. He and Albert neither one wanted to go, so I gave my extra to a boy who hadn’t one and forgot to take his money. Lots of walking for one day.

(Most of their social live centers around their church. I believe the group referenced above was from the church.)

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Wednesday, February 18, 1925

Wednesday, February 18, 1925

Finished my ironing and mended. Took the baby and went for a walk to the store. A lovely spring like day. I just feel fine these days, so well I’m afraid it can’t last. However I am enjoying myself while I can. The baby is so sweet and good these days and nights too. It is certainly a joy to have this little loving soul.

(The baby she refers to is her youngest son, Ned, who is about 2 years old when this is written. She does love her children!)

Tuesday, February 17, 1925

Tuesday, February 17, 1925

I felt better and stronger today. Scrubbed the linoleum and cleaned up the house and spritzed my clothes but didn’t get to iron till after dinner. Mama came over and sewed on buttons and patches. We sent Dale and Dick to the dentist. Dick had a new tooth behind a baby tooth and couldn’t seem to get the baby tooth out so it didn’t take the dentist long. He filled one for Dale and gave them tooth paste.

(Now we know what she wanted to scrub... the floors! I guess that makes sense. More time on laundry. Not only did she have a lot of washing to do, she also does a lot of ironing and near constant mending. Mama is her mother.

Dale and Dick go to the dentist alone. I'm assuming they are 7 and 6 years old respectively when she sent them alone to the dentist.)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Monday, February 16, 1925

Monday, February 16, 1925
Warm and springlike

Washed today and hung the clothes outdoors for the first time. Was too tired to scrub after I got done and the house cleaned up. Something is sapping my strength surely but I can hardly realize I am pregnant. However, I suppose I am and I will realize it before the 9 months are out. Gilbert brought me some Vegex to help strengthen me.

Oddly enough, today 02/16/2005 was also a warm and springlike day in Indianapolis with temperatures in the 60's.. However, we had a threat of rain in the afternoon and strong winds, so it probably wasn't a good day to hang clothes outside to dry. Ruth did laundry nearly every day, and if she couldn't hang the clothes outside because of weather, she hung them in the attic to dry. The attic was a long narrow room tucked under the eaves off of one of the upstairs bedrooms. I remember it as a dark, scary place where there was also a long box that we imagined was about the size of a coffin. No, we didn't open it to see what was inside!

Today, I live in a neighborhood with covenants that don't allow you to hang any laundry outside, so even if I wanted that "dried outdoor fresh scent" on my sheets, I'm sure a neighbor or two would complain if I tried it! And, because everyone heat their homes with coal or coke in the 20's in Indianapolis, I don't think Ruth's clothes were all that "fresh" after hanging outside in the winter-time.

I'm not sure what she planned to scrub after cleaning up the house, but do know she never felt like the housework was done, no matter how much she did in a day or how hard she worked at it. Partly, she felt like the four boys messed it up right away and were in and out of the house playing and dragging in all kinds of dirt and mud with them.

What was Vegex? I am guessing it was some kind of mixture of vegetable juices. I think, especially in the winter, they didn't get a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.

By the way, Ruth was right, she was pregnant with her 5th child.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Sunday, February 15, 1925

Sunday, February 15, 1925

We all went to Sunday school and Dick and I stayed for church. Dinner was late and after I had cleaned up everything and made fudge for the boys, I lay down for the rest of the day. Was awfully sleepy and just weak. Guys were at Mama’s for dinner and we thought maybe they would drive over but they did not.

(As noted, they attended Central Christian Church and much of the time only attended Sunday school. "Guys" refers to one of Ruth's older brothers, Guy, and his family. Mama is her mother who lived north of her in Indianapolis. It sounds as though she was disappointed that they didn't visit, but it sure sounds like she wasn't up for much company!)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

February 14, 1925

Saturday, February 14, 1925
The boys got lots of Valentine’s yesterday at school but none today except from the Collins children. Mrs. C and Marianna were a little while this PM. Otherwise the day was uneventful. I got so sleepy and tired after lunch I had to lie down a while. Had a dull headache all day and could hardly navigate.

(After some discussion with other family members, we believe that Ruth's issues with dull headaches and feeling tired might be related to the coke furnance they used to heat the house. We suspect it didn't function well and was a source of a lot of what we would consider 'indoor air pollution'. In other words, we wonder if she wasn't breathing in a lot of carbon monoxide all day long! The Collins family lived across the street and had a car, where as the Smith's did not, so they often gave them rides. I assume Mrs. C refers to Mrs. Collins and Marianna was one of her children. )

(Apparently, the tradition of handing out valentines in school goes back along way!)

Friday, February 13, 1925

Friday, February 13, 1925

Worked with the fire all morning as it nearly went out. Albert took all morning to go to the store as he was afraid of dogs. Went to beauty shop after noon and had my hair trimmed and curled and took all the boys to the class banquet at the church. Had a nice supper and good entertainment and enjoyed the evening very much. The boys were good and we were proud of them and received many nice compliments.

(I believe they heated the house with a coke furnace that they did have to tend to frequently. Albert is about 5 years old when she sent him to the store, which was about 2 blocks or so away. Unheard of today to send a child so young out on their own like that, but appareantly okay in 1925! Attending functions at their church (Central Christian Church) was a big part of their social life.)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Feb. 12, 1925

Thursday, February 12, 1925

Lincoln’s birthday and the boys were out of school. They got up devilish and Gilbert said he felt sorry for me today. They coasted in the park and played in the snow all morning and at noon I put the little ones to bed and left the big ones in the house and went down town to buy shoes. Got two pairs that I believe will be comfortable. Was getting an awfully sore bunion on my left foot.

(The boys played in Brookside park on the east side of Indianapolis. When this was written, the boys were approximately 7, 6, 5 and 2 when she left them alone while she went downtown to shop. She probably took the "inter-urban" downtown to shop.)