Thursday, December 07, 2006

Monday, December 7, 1925

Monday, December 7, 1925

Put in the day doing the work I should have done the last of the week and washing, too. I cleaned up the windows and scrubbed the floors and cleaned pretty good in general. Baby slept most of the day and stayed awake all evening till 10 o’clock. She has cold in her eyes that keep them red and mattery.

(Grandma has to clean the windows a lot, primarily, we believe, because of the coke furnace they used to heat the house.)


  1. Does anyone else get worn out just by reading everything she does each day?

  2. Laundry involved filling the tubs with a pail, then emptying the water - she always had 3 rinses. When automatic washing machines became popular, with only 2 rinses, I wondered if my clothes would turn yellow from not getting all the soap out.

    I think I would have left the windows and floors for tomorrow!
