Friday, June 15, 2007

Tuesday, June 15, 1926

Tuesday, June 15, 1926

Oh the boys are so cross and noisy they nearly finish me. I feel as if it will be a miracle if I remain alive when school takes up. They have cut loose and are just running wild. I do hope they quiet down and get used to vacation. I am thankful for the news route as it gives them a job and they go at three promptly and give me a little breathing spell.

(I have a hard time imagining my uncles as these "wild little boys". I wonder how bad they really were, or if Grandma was just extra sensitive to their noisy ways.)


  1. I think it's something about having three of them together. My son was usually quiet and did well on his own without driving me crazy. But when he'd have a birthday party or something and there were other boys around, they'd get loud and grate on my nerves. Luckily that wasn't often.

  2. I too have a hard time believing they were this wild - they all grew up to be such serious men (or maybe that was just my perception as a small child).
    My impression of Dale was always that he didn't have alot of tolerance for wild children - it kind of blows my mind that he was ever one.

  3. It was after I first read Mother's diaries that I realized my brothers weren't these perfect people I always imagined them to be. It made them more human

  4. It seems that the wilder the kids when children, the less tolerant they are in later life of such nonsense. Why is that, I wonder?
