Monday, September 03, 2007

Friday, September 3, 1926

Friday, September 3, 1926

Gilbert felt better this AM and went to the plant about 10:30. After that it cleared up and his nose started up. It was fair in the afternoon but sultry. I took Albert, Ned, and Marjorie down town and got Albert and Marjorie some shoes.

(Gilbert must have suffered terribly from asthma and allergies!)


  1. I wonder if Gilbert's problems were caused primarily by allergies. Poor guy, he just wasn't a real healthy individual, was he.

  2. My oldest child remarked she now knows where she inherited her allergies. Fortunately she had the series of shots (years ago) that keeps her allergies at bay. one of my grandchildren suffers from seasonal allergies also. On those days we don't him to do chores that will aggrivate that condition. Others in the family also have some allergies. Too bad medical science didn't have the knowledge or medicines when my father suffered so.

  3. All three of my kids have suffered from allergies all their lives. I wonder if either of Gilberts parents had allergies? With air-conditioning, we don't suffer as much as he did. Gilberts great-grandaughter is living in an un-airconditioned dorm and her allergies are really flaring up. Fortunately she does not have asthma like he did. She can go to the doctor and get medicine that will help, she doesn't have to rely on an asthmador, like Gilbert did.
    Kathy, the older sister
