Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Saturday, September 4, 1926

Saturday, September 4, 1926

Gilbert went to the plant but didn’t feel very much like it. But so near the 1st of the month he had to get some of his reports back to the office. Then he brought a big grip full of work home with him he intends to do Sunday and Labor Day.

(Even in the 1920's, people brought their work home to finish!)


  1. I remember, when I was very small, seeing my Mother & Father sitting at the dining room table working on his accounts from work. As his health worsened he brought his books home & she would help him finish them. It must have been a very understanding group of people he worked for

  2. Imagine, no sick leave, no health insurance. Long work weeks with few holidays and vacation. It was a different time. But, wait, we are returning to that style of living.
