Monday, September 10, 2007

Friday, September 10, 1926

Friday, September 10, 1926

A dandy fall day. I finished my ironing and got quite a bit of other work done. Marjorie got a bad fall today down the front steps. I always lay the wagon on its side in front of the steps when I put her out in her Taylor Tot and I did this time but Ned moved it to get his kiddy car down and of course didn’t put it back. So she followed him I supposed and must have turned a somersault. She bruised one cheek badly and scraped it.

(Falls in the Taylor Tots are why we don't see those sold any more! Ned would be about two years old, maybe three. Hardly old enough to know to put back the wagon to block the stairs.)


  1. OK. What were a less than one year old, and a two-three year old doing playing outside by themselves anyway???? Just blows my mind how times have changed. Hard to imagine how it was back then.

  2. Back then, either crimes against children were rarer, or the news of such crimes didn't travel far, or it was kept quiet, as a dirty secret. We all played outside unsupervised, & even went to the park alone, and it was no big deal.
