Sunday, December 24, 2006

Thursday, December 24, 1925

Thursday, December 24, 1925

Made cake and pies and Dad came in about noon with a big box of potatoes and a roaster from Nell's – her Christmas present. He killed it and dressed it. Had supper and the boys hung their stockings in high expectancy. But after Santa came about 20 of 12 I had to iron each a clean outfit put on tomorrow. So got little sleep. The end table arrived.

(Aunt Marjorie believes the pies were probably mince and pumpkin. "Dad" was Gilbert's father, Nell was Gilbert's sister. She was expecting a baby, so probably wasn't able to come to Grandma's for Christmas.

See, there is a Santa, Grandma wrote in her diary that he came about 11:40 PM! Then she had to iron clothes. There seemed to be no holiday from the ironing!)


  1. Does this mean he brought a LIVE bird?

  2. when I was little Santa came down the chimney but since we didn't have a fireplace he had to come thru the flue which had a covered opening. The problem was the flue was in the bedroom I usually slept in.That put a lot of stress on me because I had to be asleep for sure or he wouldnt come in. Fortunately I always fell asleep so I never did catch him coming thru the chimney flue.

  3. I always knew there was a Santa. I actually heard his sleigh bells once.
    The older sister
