Thursday, April 12, 2007

Monday, April 12, 1926

Monday, April 12, 1926
Clear and cool

Washed as usual.

(Grandma always did her laundry on Monday. I do mine on Saturday and it doesn't take near the effort. When do you do your laundry?)


  1. I do my laundry when---and only when---I look around at the piles on the floor Sunday night and decide that none of the items therein would "just do" with a little bit of dryer-and-Bounce fluffing on Monday morning.

    I am so convinced that I live in the correct century!

  2. I do laundry daily - 2 to 3 loads each day. The only exception is Fridays.

  3. When I had little ones I did laundry every day. But now I don't have to do any at all, because all of mine goes in with "girl of the homestead"s family wash. Aren't I lucky?

  4. I pretty well follow the traditional schedule, but on my days off. Since I usually have Tues and Wed. off, I wash clothes on Thurs., iron on Friday, mend/sew Sat before I date (I'm single), go shopping Sun., clean Monday and do everything else, mostly errands on Tuesday. Sometimes I do nothing on Wed., mostly I goof off and do what I need to finish.
