Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Saturday, April 3, 1926

Saturday, April 3, 1926

I have the eye ailment and although I had intended to take Dick down town and get him some pants I did not plan to go but here suddenly Gilbert developed it too at work. However, he took Dick although his eyes are as bad as mine but I had so many other things to look after. Dale is about all right again.

(Today if a child has pink eye, they won't take them at a day care, because we know how contagious it is. If someone shows up with work and says their child is home with pink eye, we treat that person, who doesn't have it, a though they are a leper, it seems. I still wonder if they knew how to keep from spreading pink eye through the whole family?)

1 comment:

  1. You have to wonder how much they even knew about the importance of hand washing! When I remember some of the home remedies of my youth, it's amazing that so many of us survived!
