Sunday, May 06, 2007

Friday, May 7, 1926

Friday, May 7, 1926

After school we all went down town on the bus and got Marjorie the sweetest little hood. Met Papa and he bought the three bigger boys a pair of nice pants a piece. He certainly got good ones, the prettiest they ever had, paid more than we could have, and I do hope they can keep them nice a long time.

(That must have been quite a trip with all five children!)


  1. Pretty pants for boys? Lets say, good looking, instead. I've been downtown with 5 little children too, and it depends on the children how hard the trip was. She was probably proud of her little family. I had a total stranger come up to me while herding my group and tell me how lucky I was to have them

  2. I don't know about getting new pants for those little guys - they seem to rip them every time they leave the house!
