Friday, July 21, 2006

Tuesday, July 21, 1925

Tuesday, July 21, 1925

Thought big day sewing but the spring in the foot piece of my machine broke and I didn’t get so much done. Mama came out in the afternoon. She can’t do any work on account of rheumatism in her hand and Mabel worries her to death, so she is having a hard time of it.

(Mabel is Grandma's youngest brother Harry's first wife. Harry was about 9 years older than Grandma.

Grandma wrote in her family history that "Mabel's health would not permit her to do the hard work required by keeping house, even after the birth of their only child, Winifred Sylvia... things seemed alright between them until about 1925 when other personalities seem to be encroaching upon the scene." She also wrote that Harry and Mabel lived most of their married life together in boarding houses in Memphis were he worked for awhile. Based on the diaries, I think they also spent a lot of time living with Grandma's parents. It's no wonder that her Mama worried about the situation!

Grandma previously wrote in her diaries that she never got much done when her mother came to visit, and that it seemed when she really needed her, she wasn't available!)

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