Thursday, October 12, 2006

Monday, October 12, 1925

Monday, October 12, 1925
Rainy and dark.

Baby had a fretful night of it and this AM we found two big white sores on the roof of her mouth. Poor little thing! This was the darkest, gloomiest day. I couldn’t see to read or do a crossword puzzle even and I lay most of the time with my eyes shut, so Mrs. Little wouldn’t talk me to death. All her family troubles and aches and pains are so tiresome.

(For some reason, I am amused to think of Grandma lying in bed with her eyes shut so that Mrs. Little would think she was asleep and not talk to her.)


  1. My first thought was, why didn't she turn on the light. As far as I know they had electricity, unless Mrs Little gabs even if mother is reading. Oh well.

  2. Poor Ruth! Poor baby Marjorie! Sounds like thrush - wonder what they did for it in the old days?
    Your grandmother was usually so active and is now so confined. It must have been so frustrating.

