Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Saturday, October 24, 1925

Saturday, October 24, 1925

Baby’s naval has been running a little and seemed to be sore but is much better today. She slept pretty good and I had a big day’s work if she isn’t three weeks old. I did as much as usual cleaning, etc. and baby’s washing and ironing besides.

(Sounds like Grandma was doing well, going full-steam ahead, just three weeks after having the baby, keeping up with her housework and everything else. Her general outlook, reflected in just a few sentences each day in her diary, also seemed much brighter during this timeperiod.)


  1. Carol,
    Your grandmother is my hero. I could barely function when my daughter was three weeks old!

  2. I barely remember my gandmothers's house. I think she had a summer kitchen in the basement. She always had the vanilla cookies (round with scalloped edges), but at that age I preferred the very rich gooey kind. She also always had hoarhound candy in her purse we liked to suck on. That is a flavor I don't care for anymore. I assume you can still buy that flavor.

  3. My last comment was put with the wrong diary page (my fault) It should have been connected with the page about the house. I also remember (& I'll hear if I'm wrong) on the 2nd floor of the house there was a screened in porch which we weren't allowed to go in as the wood was old and rotted away. I don't remember when the house was sold. But I can see my grandmother (Ruth's Mama) living in various 'sleeping rooms', the last one being down the street during WW 2.
