Sunday, August 05, 2007

Thursday, August 5, 1926

Thursday, August 5, 1926

Made 29 glasses of jelly and canned the rest of the juice. After the boys came home we ate a lunch, met Gilbert down town and went to Ravenswood to Mildred’s house and the boys went swimming. We had bad luck waiting for the bus so it was late when we got there. Ned fussed and wanted to go home – he was sleepy and likewise Marjorie but we had a very good time. The kids brought us to the car line and we made better time getting home. The boys take to water like ducks and can swim fairly well for youngsters.

(Aunt Marjorie wrote in her notes, "I don't recall a swimming pool in Ravenswood. I think there is a creek there, and I believe there is usually flooding in the Ravenswood area after a heavy rain.")

1 comment:

  1. I think a river runs thru Ravenswood. Even today that area gets flooded even when no other area does. (You would think Marj & I would know our city a little better, wouldn't you. But after all it is in the opposite corner from where we grew up)
