Friday, January 05, 2007

Tuesday, January 5, 1926

Tuesday, January 5, 1926

Albert went to kindergarten and Ned and I were alone for the first time for two weeks and I was surprised at his talking. Constant chatter, and he expects me to repeat his words filling in those he leaves out and often I don’t understand what he means. Then he doesn’t like it, so it is pretty trying. Got a good days work done. Thanks to our new alarm clock. Finally finished all the back ironing that has been accumulating for three weeks. Papa reports that Mable is there with Winifred while Mama is gone and says nothing of any plans to leave or work, so he is afraid he will have to ask her to go which will be very hard. I wonder how it will all turn out.

(Well, Grandma and Ned weren't exactly alone for the day, as baby Marjorie was also there. And, Grandma is ironing again. Everyday, she had something to iron.

You can read more about Mable, who is Grandma's brother Harry's wife in this previous post from July. I believe Grandma wrote back in November that Harry was going to Florida. Sounds like he left Mable and their daugher Winifred behind to stay with his parents, and they are wearing out their welcome.

Aunt Marjorie wrote and said that Grandma's mother "Mama", often took off on a whim to go and visit family in Gibson City, Illinois or Rennsalaer, Indiana and Papa would stay home.)


  1. Aunt Mabel & uncle Harry were divorced most of my life & I wonder if they were at this time?It seems that 'hanging on' was a problem with her. She would claim illness & bad health to get out of work, but when something came along she really wanted to do, she suddenly became well.

  2. Had to chuckle at Eleanor's comment. My husband and I were just discussing three women we know who have the same "problem," sick until there is something they want to do! Guess it's not a new issue.
