Friday, August 24, 2007

Tuesday, August 24, 1926

Tuesday, August 24, 1926
Rain, cool

Ironed all day and did a little of my mending.

(It seems Grandma always washed clothes on Monday and then ironed on Tuesday, every single week.)


  1. I think 'back then' monday was always wash day & tuesday was always ironing day. I do know when she had to go to work outside the home, saturdays were always cleaning days, which involved the whole family (those who lived at home). I vowed when I grew up saturday would not be a day for cleaning. However, when you have a family, every day is cleaning day.

  2. I seem to remember that saturdays were spent doing some cleaning.
    Kathy the older sister.

  3. I read this blog and it makes me want to go out and buy an iron and ironing board just to see what the experience is like - LOL
