Monday, May 29, 2006

Friday, May 29, 1925

Friday, May 29, 1925

Mama says Albert is better, Ned is so cross and feverish. Afternoon, I discovered his glands swollen a little bit like Albert’s. Hope he doesn’t have to go through with all that. Did nothing but sit and hold my cross, sick baby who cries “Mama” all the time. The boys washed dishes.

(I am weary just reading about how Albert was sick for so long, and now Ned? I hope he didn't get the same thing. Poor Grandma must have been exhausted by this time, dealing with it all. It is nice to read that the older boys were able to help in the kitchen.)

1 comment:

  1. it is a terrible thing when your children are ill and he has been ill so very long time.
