Thursday, May 11, 2006

Monday, May 11, 1925

Monday, May 11, 1925

Managed to get up early, wash, iron some, mend and put out the rest of my seeds and the canna bulbs, etc. Albert wouldn’t stay alone in the house so I let him play out with Ned. It was so pretty and sunshiny out. The first day the kittens drank without a spoon. One nearly died and I gave him some castoria and he got all okay again.

(Sounds like Grandma had a good day, getting things done. In her diary she mentions more than once that she feels as Monday goes, so goes the week, so maybe this will be a good week for her.

I love the reference to gardening, as always. I'll also be planting some cannas soon but I wish she had listed what seeds she planted so I can know if I am planting anything the same. I like the connection between family and gardening.

Remember the kittens? They are about 4 weeks old at this point, and since the mama cat died awhile back, Grandma has been feeding them every day with a little salt spoon that she had no other use for. I wonder how she thought to give the kitten castoria? What is castoria? I looked it up, seems it is a children's laxative, and was probably Fletcher's Castoria. The primary ingredient is senna, which comes from a small shrub grown in warm climates including Egypt.

Finally, on Albert not staying in the house alone. I think that is common with a lot of children that they don't like to be in a house alone or even in a room alone. As I recall, there are some spooky spots in the house or at least in the late 60's, we though there were. I've mentioned the attic. The cellar was also a bit scary. They were not the first owners of the house, but I don't think it was very old when they bought it.)

I've gotten several comments on how fortunate we are to have Grandma's diaries to read. Has this inspired anyone to start their own diary for their children (and grandchildren and great-grandchildren) to read 80 plus years from now?


  1. I just marvel at how different Ruth's life was from ours. I can't imagine in another 80 years what life will be like for our grandchildren. Of course, the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 so we may not have anything to worry about!!! LOL!

  2. Actually, yes. I started a diary this year for my son with the hopes he will get something out of it.

  3. Well, Anonymous, it's May 2013 and we are all still here, for better or worse. Life does continue. Makes one wonder what life for our grandchildren will be like.
