Friday, September 29, 2006

Tuesday, September 29, 1925

Tuesday, September 29, 1925

Nothing much doing except I felt awfully bum. Albert has a cold and is awfully cross. He had a fit when I want to get him ready for Kindergarten, but loves it after he goes. I wish he weren’t so tempestuous. I have been putting quinine and Vaseline on his thumb to keep him from sucking it, but he seems to like it, and is more determined to suck it than ever.

(“Nothing much doing” means no baby yet. Albert is 5 and ½ at this point. I’ve posted before what he grew up to be… a Jesuit priest.)


  1. My husband was a dentist and hih philosophy was to not FORCE a child to stop sucking his thumb. Crooked teeth are easier to fix than a broken phyche. Albert was the sensitive one in the family and my champion. He would give he his last dime if I asked for it. As I understand, he was the one who named me when I was born,

  2. Reformed thumbsucker here - no one picked on me too much and I got over it, but some kids weren't that lucky. In the late fifties one popular 'cure' was a kind of nail polish with hot pepper extract in it. I never heard of the quinine and vaseline mix.

    Eleanor, what a nice memory, to be named by your big brother! I wonder if he heard it in a book or a movie?
